Saturday, November 1, 2014

on may 10 1940 the German army invaded the country of France with  the blitzkrieg.

the French had built at the conclusion of the first world war. Which the French had lost a appalling amount of men and machines. The French military commanders just couldn't let that happen again. Therefore, they built a massive fortification along the entire French and German border, the Maginot line.

the Maginot line was a massive underground fortress that was literally underground it  with pillboxes and cannons the only problem was (and here is the best part) it stopped at the France and belgium border so if you wanted to get past the line you just went through  Belgium which is what the Germans did.

The Germans went around the line. Thrue  the ardennes forest, a time proven battle ground. Which the French were hopeing would be able to hold back any form of invasion. But this would prove false. For in the time of motorization, Moving across rough terrain easer. this proved to be a short a hard war for the French and there soon to arrive British allies.

One of the biggest mistakes that most people make including myself, was that Germany had the best tanks but this was not the case.
The French char b1, was the best tank at this time. It was far superior to the german heavy tank at the time the panzer 4.

Now you are probably asking yourself why then didn't France win then.

Well France had the one thing that can always make you lose, bad commanders. While the German commanders just started to make a name for them self's such as Erwin Rommel and Joseph Gerbils.
Erwin Rommel

The French thought of tanks as mobile pillboxes. Were as there German's thought of them as a tool to victory. This was the main resone  that the Germans won

in next weeks entry I will go more over on depth the early tank battles before we finish the invasion of France.


  1. Good information and a better sense of who the narrator is than in the previous post. WHat does the history of WWII hold for you? WHy does it draw you?

  2. Nice facts. However, I think it is better to add an interesting introduction to your posts that can grab peopl's attention. Many people may not be interested in facts about world war, but they may be interested about some "lies" and controversies about it.

  3. Very interesting blog! I recommend you watch "Nazi Mega Weapons," which is on Netflix. They talk about the different weapons Hitler was planning on making, including the different tanks. I really enjoyed that documentary, and I found it educational. I think it pertains perfectly to your blog.
