Saturday, November 22, 2014

French battleship
With the German invasion of France. England sent a expoditinary force to france. From 1939-1940, under the command of Genral lord Gurt. The force numbered one tenth of the total allied forces at that time. It also had the new Vickers mediam tank. This force landed in France after the German invasion of Poland. This force did nothing to stop the German invasion. It did the complete opposite in my opinion. It just helped it. the average German citizen rekonized that the main resone for their current hardship. for in the treaty of Versailles forced the German people to pay massive fines. bankrupting the country. Now you can see why the brits lost so badly.
British lee Enfield rifle used by the British
and all country's that the Germans had captured

M3 tank
But the arrival of the BEF or British expeditionary force, did slow them down. Until the Germans realized that there anti-aircraft gun was really good at taking out tanks. And the infamous 88 was born. The BEF didn't last long on France. It was evacuated in Dunkirk. The royal navy barely got the men out of there. They left a lot of gear and supplies on the beach.

The French were then left to fend for themselves. Shortly after the BEF left the French surrendered.
Under the agreement a new French government loyal to Hitler. Was created called the Vichy Government. This new Government was created and given control of the southern part of France.

The Vichy government was just a puppet to Germany.
Along with the surrender came French warships that greatly boosted the German navy. This addition helped the Germans take Africa from the British

British Vickers mark 3 tank
 A lot of people don't know that we actually fought the Vichy's. When we first entered the war we sent a army under Patton. To Africa. It was also the first time we had fought in Africa since the early 19th century. The French were still using the same equipment that they had against the Germans. While it was superior to the Germans at the time. It was not so against the Americans. If you have ever watched history shows were they said the M3 tank was out matched when it arrived. Then the French tanks were even more so. The M3's destroyed the French tanks.

1 comment:

  1. Always so interesting! Your punctuation, usage, etc. are much better now -- spell-check your last paragraph.
